Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A first presentation of the neighborhood

Part of the video letter curriculum involves learning how to interview family and people in the community. Below, Isaac and Moises work with instructors Flannery and Scott to hone their interview skills in their neighborhood bodega, barber shop, and street corners. This video shows the lesson in action.

Moises and Isak presenting neighborhood from piavideoletter on Vimeo.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A greeting from the South Bronx to the NGO "Fight for Peace" in Rio de Janeiro.

One aspect of this video letter project is to answer a video letter from Nova Holanda in Rio de Janeiro. A friend recently went to that community in Rio, and the youth from South Bronx sent their response with him.

This is their message to the youth filmmakers at Luta Pela Paz (Fight for Peace) in Rio de Janeiro.

Greetings from the South Bronx to Fight for Peace in Nova Holanda, Rio de Janeiro from piavideoletter on Vimeo.